Monday, November 28, 2011

Risk -- Fun Outside the Warhammer World

[[posterous-content:pid___0]]My family and I usually play some board game or the other during long weekends, holidays, and vacations. We play several, but this last weekend we took some time to play Risk -- The Game of Global Domination. I know lots of people don't like this game, but we've got it down to a level of art and science that lets us reliably complete games in less than three hours. We put on some good music, put out a few nice snacks and drinks, and get down to some friendly dice throwing. This weekend, I was crushed. My wifeand sone duked it out with my wife winning the game in the end. We had a great time!

Risk -- Fun Outside the Warhammer World

My family and I usually play some board game or the other during long weekends, holidays, and vacations. We play several, but this last weekend we took some time to play Risk -- The Game of Global Domination. I know lots of people don't like this game, but we've got it down to a level of art and science that lets us reliably complete games in less than three hours. We put on some good music, put out a few nice snacks and drinks, and get down to some friendly dice throwing. This weekend, I was crushed. My wife

and sone duked it out with my wife winning the game in the end. We had a great time!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

243rd Commencement at Brown University

Sitting down under a massive tent on Brown University for their 243rd Commencement. My sister, Sharol Lyn Goeringer, has received her Doctor in Philosophy in Computer Music and Multimedia. Her dissertation was "Liminal/subliminal: The Streetlight as Infra-Ordinary Sound Art Object." Its a wonderful day!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Adepticon 40k Terrain -- SUPERB!

Adepticon 2011 showed off great <b>40k scenery</b> as always this year. Great game boards, wonderful army displays, and truly EPIC exhibits. Probably the most enjoyed was the Forge World Citadel based project, "Defenders of Holy Terra" brought by Opposing Forces. This wonderful display included several subterrerian scenes, including this Apothecarium. Very, very cool. See many more pictures at 40k Terrain and also a brief write up on Squidoo 40k Terrain.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Hot Lead by Laszlo Jakusovszky

Been watching an excellent instructional DVD on how to paint a better miniature. Hot Lead by Laszlo Jakusovszky has great material. Added an Amazon link to buy it on my Squidoo Warhammer Armies and a detailed review on Warhammer Armies. This three DVD set covers EVERYTHING -basecoating, washing, dry brushing, outlining, blending, and layering, non-metallic metals, and LOTS more.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Adepticon Warhammer Team Tourney -- GREAT FUN!

Played Daemons and Vampire Counts with my friend Brian for the Adepticon Warhamemr Fantasy Team Tournament. I played the Vampire portion of the army. We ended up only 1 and 2. Expected to win all three, but then, that's why we have tournaments! I had great fun. Met some neat guys, learned a lot more about the game, and saw some great Warhammer Armies. Posted a quick battle report this morning at Adepticon Team Warhammer Tournament Battle Report.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Getting back to making 40k terrain -- Cities of Death

After a three week break, I'm getting back into the swing of things with 40k Terrain. I've a notion of what I want my project to end up with, and I'm hoping to do some design collaboration with fantasy artist, Scott Sez (Artists Empire). Anyhow, I've posted ideas on what I'm trying to do in the post Conceptual Designs for Cities of Death Terrain

Monday, April 18, 2011

North Star Warhammer Tournament 2011 -- November 5th and 6th!

The North Star Warhammer Tournament for 2011 has been scheduled for November 5th and 6th. This is a great event just North of Minneapolis/St. Paul. I played there last year and had a blast -- check out Road to North Star Warhammer Tournament. This great micro blog documented making a fantastic Empire Army in only 60 or so days. Some of what I've learned is posted at Warhammer Armies

Not sure it's in the budget to go this year. I'd love to do it again!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Assembling Warhammer Armies

Posted some basic tips on assembling your models on Squidoo Warhammer Armies this morning, along with some pointers to tools. It sure is fun putting your armies together. Most people like doing that much more than painting. Not sure why, but it's the way it is.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


via sendy

Dinner at Rodizio's Grill

Taking my daughter out for dinner at Rodizio's Brazillian Grill in Denver. This is a wonderful and fun dining experience - lots of really nic meat, a fantastic salad bar, and a great desert selection. It's in a wonderfully converted ice house right next to Union station Its going to be a blast!
via sendy

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Great Imperial Fists Army


These guys put together a fantastic Imperial Fists army for the teams tournament at Adepticon. Damien, Dan, Kevin, and Elliot were kind enough to put it on display at Total Escape Games last night! Damien said the scout bikers they had were probaly the most fun unit they ever played. On the home front, been painting my Imperial Guard. My son and I took the and his Dark Angels to a team tournament today. We lost two of three, but we did when besr painted! We had a blast. As always, details are on Warhammer Armies,
via sendy

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Combat Patrol at Adepticon

I played two tournaments at Adepticon 2011. 40k Combat Patrol and WFB Teams. I got the Combat Patrol written up on Warhammer Armies. The link to the post: Adepticon Combat Patrol. As an added free bonus, I put a quick video on the free stuff sponsors gave out at Adepticon on the page, too!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Adepticon is going GREAT!

Lots of good stuff going on at Adepticon. Took a great class on Hirst Arts molds for 40k Terrain -- see a summary at Hirst Arts tutorial at Adepticon on 40k Terrain. For a few more pictures and general overview, check out the post on Warhammer Armies -- First Day at Adepticon.

In the meantime, time to get back to the gaming halls! Got to play some 40k in a bit.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Packing for Adepticon!

Getting ready to go to Adepticon. I finished painting the 400 point Imperial Guard Army I'm playing in Combat Patrol there. I posted more pictures on Warhammer Armies -- check out I'm Ready for Adepticon. I'm also playing in the WFB Team Tournament and taking a couple workshops. I'm hoping to meet Dan Abnett, too.  Not to mention just how cool it is to walk around the game halls. If you're going to be there, hope I see you!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cheap Mine Fields and Tank Traps for Warhammer 40k Terrain

While I've been focused on making warhammer armies right now, I've still got great projects going on for Warhammer 40k Terrain. For Cities of Death, I need obstacles and barricades and things like tank traps and mine fields. These can be done really inexpensively. You probably have all the stuff you need on hand to make some today! Check out the blog post: Warhammer 40k Terrain -- Mines.

Imperial Guard Chimeras Work In Progress

Adepticon is coming up quick... I need to finish three Chimeras and around twenty troops for my Imperial Guard Warhammer Armie for Combat Patrol within the next 8 days! Fortunately, I'm making great progress. As usual, I've posted details on Warhammer Armies -- check out the blog post Imperial Guard Chimeras WIP.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Need to work hard on my Imperial Guard Army!


Designed armies this morning for some upcoming 40k tournaments. I'm playing Combat Patrol at Adepticon; and then the following weekend have a team tournament. I'm playing Imperial Guard at both of them. However, my Imperial Guard army is not fully painted. My infantry needs to be finished (that's 45 men and some heavy weapons stands) and my armour is assembled but completely unpainted. As if that wasn't enough, by the team tourney, I've got to assemble and paint two more command squads and three heavy weapons stands). Follow my progress on Warhammer Armies, as usual. This morning, I posted my army list for the Adepticon Combat Patrol.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Time to get ready for Adepticon


Had a great weekend! Played Empire Total War Friday; had a great friend over for paella Saturday; played Power Grid Sunday! On top of that, I've finished my 3rd Warhammer 40k terrain piece for my Cities of death project. That leaves 10 to go on the current batch. As always, read more at 40k Terrain. In the mean time, Adepticon is in just over a week! I'll be posting my preparations, and my adventurer, at Warhammer Armies.
via sendy

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tank Traps on 40k Terrain

Had a great week and got lots of good 40k terrain stuff done. Best of all, I started finishing the Cities of Death barricades and obstacles completed, including a video tutorial on making Tank Traps!

Meanwhile, lots of fun things coming up. Adepticon is the week after next and I've got to make final preparations for that (details and progress reports will be available on Warhammer Armies). And my son and I signed up for a team tournament at Total Escape Games for the following weekend. Gonna be great!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What did people play before Warhammer?

What wargames did people used to play? Well, icons as popular as Peter Cushing played wargames, too. His rules system was prepared by HG Wells! Pretty cool. Read a bit more on the blog entry on Warhammer Armies: Before Warhammer Figures, there were Toy Soldiers and Little Wars

Monday, March 7, 2011

Cities of Death Project Continues

Continuing to plug away on 13 Warhammer 40k terrain pieces for a Cities of Death project. They are nearly done, and I've started writing up tutorials and am producing a few videos. See the full update titled Cities of Death Tank Traps posted today on 40k Terrain.

The consequence of all this progress is lack of gaming (damn!) and also not much progress on my Warhammer Armies projects. But, this is nearly done and we'll catch up there soon!

Friday, February 25, 2011

40k Terrain Concept Art

Concept art is awesome. Looking at the preliminary sketches for any work of art, including Warhammer Scenery, is like looking into the mind of the maker. Twitter friend Jasen Wood (@NINJA_SWARM1) sent me this great photo of work he's doing with Mike Biggs. This picture game me some great ideas and is worth discussing in more depth -- see more detail on 40k Terrain at 40 Terrain from Vision to Reality.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Battle Report -- Another Ork vs Dark Angels Bash on Warhammer Armies

Been very busy with work and business lately, so not much hobbying time! I did, however, get to do some more work for my Cities of Death barricades and obstacles over the weekend. I've got more pictures and video for this, so hope to be getting some good publishing for 40k Terrain done on that front.

I also got another battle report posted on Warhammer Armies -- 2nd Skirmish on Garth 4

Friday, February 18, 2011

Painting Fantastic Warhammer Armies!

Added a couple of sections to two of my Squidoo sites. These go through the basics of painting, discussing how to prime and then use a traditional painting technique. Traditional miniature painting uses layering and washing to build up depth while painting your model. 

Warhammer Armies is an educational and shopping site focused on Warhammer Fantasy Battles. The other site is focused more on Empire Armies

Give painting your models a try - even a mediocre paint job will look great from three feet away on the game table! Your painted models will make playing Warhammer much more rewarding.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lots of 40k Painting Going On

Been working hard on Warhammer painting, and the most recent results are a fantastic Death Head Warboss and Big Mek. I love the Shokk Attack gun -- it has got to be one of the most fun weapons in the entire Warhammer 40k game. Check out details at Warboss and Big Mek Paint Scheme

Also decided to take a step back and do some writing on fundamentals. On 40k Terrain, did a brief post on how I approach placing terrain for my battles: 40k Scenery for Battles. On Warhammer Armies, I've done two basic posts: Approach to Painting Figures and Armies and Choosing a Color Scheme

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Progress is GREAT -- Cities of Death and Fun Battles

Had a great game the other day and did a full battle report -- check it out at Orks vs Dark Angels. This is part of a new section of that website -- Warhammer Armies Battle Reports. I also posted a new article talking about how to paint those great looking Ork Trukks I've been working on.

But, THAT'S NOT ALL! Finally, I've started making progress on my Cities of Death project. I've been working on Barricades and Obstacles, and even have the first 40k Terrain video done.

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

More Ork Trukks -- Second of Five Done

I keep on plugging away at the Ork Army. Got another Ork Trukk done. Posted details of my paint scheme at Warhammer Armies: Ork Trukk Paint Scheme.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Warhammer Armies in 2011 -- Great Stuff Coming Up!

I've been on business travel all week, so not too much terrain or army building going on. But, just like I did for 40k Terrain, I did some thinking about what I'd like to do with my Warhammer Armies this year. See what I'm going to do at Warhammer Armies: 2011 Accomplishments!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ork Trukk!

I'm working on assembling a large Ork Army -- 2250 points, all together. Started with five Trukks, and here's the test model. I think it looks great. I posted some ideas on how to paint red and assemble a model like this on Warhammer Armies. Check out the post, Warhammer Armies: Ork Trukk - Progress! which also includes more pictures.