Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Packing for Adepticon!

Getting ready to go to Adepticon. I finished painting the 400 point Imperial Guard Army I'm playing in Combat Patrol there. I posted more pictures on Warhammer Armies -- check out I'm Ready for Adepticon. I'm also playing in the WFB Team Tournament and taking a couple workshops. I'm hoping to meet Dan Abnett, too.  Not to mention just how cool it is to walk around the game halls. If you're going to be there, hope I see you!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cheap Mine Fields and Tank Traps for Warhammer 40k Terrain

While I've been focused on making warhammer armies right now, I've still got great projects going on for Warhammer 40k Terrain. For Cities of Death, I need obstacles and barricades and things like tank traps and mine fields. These can be done really inexpensively. You probably have all the stuff you need on hand to make some today! Check out the blog post: Warhammer 40k Terrain -- Mines.

Imperial Guard Chimeras Work In Progress

Adepticon is coming up quick... I need to finish three Chimeras and around twenty troops for my Imperial Guard Warhammer Armie for Combat Patrol within the next 8 days! Fortunately, I'm making great progress. As usual, I've posted details on Warhammer Armies -- check out the blog post Imperial Guard Chimeras WIP.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Need to work hard on my Imperial Guard Army!


Designed armies this morning for some upcoming 40k tournaments. I'm playing Combat Patrol at Adepticon; and then the following weekend have a team tournament. I'm playing Imperial Guard at both of them. However, my Imperial Guard army is not fully painted. My infantry needs to be finished (that's 45 men and some heavy weapons stands) and my armour is assembled but completely unpainted. As if that wasn't enough, by the team tourney, I've got to assemble and paint two more command squads and three heavy weapons stands). Follow my progress on Warhammer Armies, as usual. This morning, I posted my army list for the Adepticon Combat Patrol.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Time to get ready for Adepticon


Had a great weekend! Played Empire Total War Friday; had a great friend over for paella Saturday; played Power Grid Sunday! On top of that, I've finished my 3rd Warhammer 40k terrain piece for my Cities of death project. That leaves 10 to go on the current batch. As always, read more at 40k Terrain. In the mean time, Adepticon is in just over a week! I'll be posting my preparations, and my adventurer, at Warhammer Armies.
via sendy

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tank Traps on 40k Terrain

Had a great week and got lots of good 40k terrain stuff done. Best of all, I started finishing the Cities of Death barricades and obstacles completed, including a video tutorial on making Tank Traps!

Meanwhile, lots of fun things coming up. Adepticon is the week after next and I've got to make final preparations for that (details and progress reports will be available on Warhammer Armies). And my son and I signed up for a team tournament at Total Escape Games for the following weekend. Gonna be great!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What did people play before Warhammer?

What wargames did people used to play? Well, icons as popular as Peter Cushing played wargames, too. His rules system was prepared by HG Wells! Pretty cool. Read a bit more on the blog entry on Warhammer Armies: Before Warhammer Figures, there were Toy Soldiers and Little Wars

Monday, March 7, 2011

Cities of Death Project Continues

Continuing to plug away on 13 Warhammer 40k terrain pieces for a Cities of Death project. They are nearly done, and I've started writing up tutorials and am producing a few videos. See the full update titled Cities of Death Tank Traps posted today on 40k Terrain.

The consequence of all this progress is lack of gaming (damn!) and also not much progress on my Warhammer Armies projects. But, this is nearly done and we'll catch up there soon!