Saturday, November 27, 2010

Great Miniatures Painting DVD for Warhammer Armies #40k #wh40k #warhammer

I bought the Fromula P3 Hobby Series Volume 1 DVD from Privateer Press this week. This DVD is an excellent introduction to assembling and painting miniatures include Games Workshop's 40k and Fanstasy models. The hour long DVD covers all the fundamentals and will provide a foundation sufficient to paint superb miniatures for your Warhammer armies. A more detailed review is posted at Warhammer Armies, and I list these and other products to purchase at Squidoo Warhammer Armies. Hope to see you there!

Finally Posted my Terrain Tutorial on Making Imperial Guard Command Posts

Did a monster tutorial on how I made two great 40k buildings. Check out the 40k Terrain Imperial Guard Command Posts tutorial.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Warhammer: Painting Witchfate Tor, Tower of Sorcery | Games Workshop

Check out this website I found at

This is a great article from Games Workshop -- it's about painting the Tower of Sorcery, but it provides lots of great color combinations for painting awesome effects. I should get my own Tower and do a few posts on 40k Terrain. And try them out on miniatures on Warhammer Armies.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Imperial Guard Command Posts on #40k Terrain are Done!

OK, it took me forever. Been talking to my readers about this project on 40k Terrain since September. But, I did get them done yesterday! And they turned out great.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Imperial Guard Command Posts from Scratch

This is a great 40k Terrain project! I'm going to end up with two great 40k buildings to add to my Warhammer scenery shelves, and its nearly free. I haven't had to buy anything! These two Imperial Guard Command Posts are made of recycled paper packaging, bits of foam board and card stock, and odd bits from the 40k bits bin. I'm even using home made barbed wire mounted on polls made from sprues. I think thats fun!

Magnetizing Movement Trays for Warhammer

OK, I know this isn't the most interesting picture! But, it does make life much better for Warhammer players. I used rare earth magnets, #8 washers, Gale Force 9 metallic sheets, and Citadel's modular movement trays to set magnetize movement trays. I used it at the North Star Tournament and it worked and looked great. Check out the full post at Warhammer Armies and buy materials at Squidoo Warhammer Armies.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

Mercenary Host of Itza -- My North Star Army List

I had a great time at the North Star tournament. I even won a box of Empire Militia -- in the charity raffle!  I've posted my army list at Warhammer Armies. The full story is listed at Road to North Star.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Adepticon, North Star, and Other Going's On

Got a few updates on events and such. North Star was AWESOME -- I had a great time. True, I lost every game (bummer), but I really did have a great time at my first Warhammer Fantasy Battles Tournament. Check out details at Road to North Star and North Star Warhamer Terrain on my 40k Terrain site.

Also, I registered for Adepticon today. If you're interested, better do it quick! Events are selling out -- and there's still 139 days till the 1st of April. Check out what I'm doing on 40k Terrain.

Upcoming projects? Plenty. I'm working on my Imperial Guard command posts; I'm writing a tutorial on how to create a plane friendly display board for your armies; I bought Island of Blood and have started assembling the models; and I've started work on my son's Orc 40k army. All of which means lots to do and lots to write about as we drift towards the Holidays.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Empire Army is Done for North Star

My major #Warhammer project is now DONE. Assembled, painted, and prepared a custom army display board for an Empire Army of 2200 points for the North Star Tournament. All together, I did 121 models over two months -- that's an average of two a day. Details are on  Road To North Star Tournament.

I will also be posting a tutorial on how I made the Army display on 40k Terrain. But, right now, I've got to finish packing and get to bed -- I'm flying up to the tournament tomorrow. I am WAY psyched to get up there and see friends and plan.