Friday, February 25, 2011

40k Terrain Concept Art

Concept art is awesome. Looking at the preliminary sketches for any work of art, including Warhammer Scenery, is like looking into the mind of the maker. Twitter friend Jasen Wood (@NINJA_SWARM1) sent me this great photo of work he's doing with Mike Biggs. This picture game me some great ideas and is worth discussing in more depth -- see more detail on 40k Terrain at 40 Terrain from Vision to Reality.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Battle Report -- Another Ork vs Dark Angels Bash on Warhammer Armies

Been very busy with work and business lately, so not much hobbying time! I did, however, get to do some more work for my Cities of Death barricades and obstacles over the weekend. I've got more pictures and video for this, so hope to be getting some good publishing for 40k Terrain done on that front.

I also got another battle report posted on Warhammer Armies -- 2nd Skirmish on Garth 4

Friday, February 18, 2011

Painting Fantastic Warhammer Armies!

Added a couple of sections to two of my Squidoo sites. These go through the basics of painting, discussing how to prime and then use a traditional painting technique. Traditional miniature painting uses layering and washing to build up depth while painting your model. 

Warhammer Armies is an educational and shopping site focused on Warhammer Fantasy Battles. The other site is focused more on Empire Armies

Give painting your models a try - even a mediocre paint job will look great from three feet away on the game table! Your painted models will make playing Warhammer much more rewarding.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lots of 40k Painting Going On

Been working hard on Warhammer painting, and the most recent results are a fantastic Death Head Warboss and Big Mek. I love the Shokk Attack gun -- it has got to be one of the most fun weapons in the entire Warhammer 40k game. Check out details at Warboss and Big Mek Paint Scheme

Also decided to take a step back and do some writing on fundamentals. On 40k Terrain, did a brief post on how I approach placing terrain for my battles: 40k Scenery for Battles. On Warhammer Armies, I've done two basic posts: Approach to Painting Figures and Armies and Choosing a Color Scheme